The month of October is almost here. That means Pastor Appreciation Month is quickly approaching. Personally, I feel our pastors should be recognized with more frequency than once per year. I ask you. How often should you bless the person who joins you in marriage, counsels you on your marriage, keeps you from divorce, visits you in the hospital, baptize, and eulogize. That's just touching the surface. We will not mention the many times he/she has left their own family just to take care of someone else's family crisis. They are often the last person thought of when we want to include as a first responder. But I argue they are just that.
Pastors fit the role of 1st responder to many of us. They put on an invisible uniform and provide a myriad of tasks. When our life seems to fall apart and we feel all hope is gone, Pastors are there. Isn't it amazing how they can get us back on the track of life when they preach a Word from God on Sunday Morning. Isn't it amazing how that sermon seemed to be just for you and no one else? Sounds like a rescue to me.
So how do you show appreciation? Gifts of course. Gifts are a great way to show appreciation to the pastor and their family. Some congregations might collect monetary donations from church members and send their pastor and family off to a well deserved vacation. Others might prepare a special dinner and present a plaque with all the accolades. An Individuals can gift their pastor with a simple greeting card or small gift.
Check out the list of small gift products that one might consider when they want to honor their pastor.
Openwork Watch to Pastor With Thank You Message Card
Personalized Pastor Mugs and Coasters